Saturday 9 November 2019

19 in 19 - October update

Well at least I'm only a week behind on doing an update this month!
Not that there is a great deal to report, but here goes:

1. Be more organised, plan ahead and waste less time

October wasn't the best month for this.  I had some sort of virus for several weeks.  I went from having an irritating tickly cough to the opposite where I was coughing up stuff.  I'll say no more.
2. Work on the garden
I got the grass cut at some point and have bought some bulbs to plant but the weather has not been great.  Thankfully at this time of year there isn't too much to be done.

3. Plan a lunch date/date night with Nick once a month (theatre/cinema/meal/outing)
Well we did eat out last weekend but it was very much a spur of the moment thing and the food at one of our local pubs was not great.

4. Eat at 6 new-to-me restaurants
We didn't manage anywhere new this month.  I need to check how many I need to do before Christmas to complete this one.

5. Complete the A – Z blogging challenge

6. Family weekend away for my birthday - in June
It was lovely! Read about it here.

7. Look after my health – eat well, sleep well, play well
As mentioned above not the best month healthwise but all my blood tests came back ok.  Just keeping an eye on my blood pressure right now.  Really don't want to have to mess around with new medication.

8. Visit my brother
Well he didn't make it to my cousin's party so still a fail on this one.

9. Visit the beach

10. Complete my reading challenge (52 books for the year) 

I'm still excelling on this one.  Currently on about to start book #64.  As always, details and reviews can be found on my Goodreads site.  (Or you can use the tag book review to find them here on the blog.)

11. Keep a journal

A slight improvement here and I've been trying to do a gratitude thought each day, not always successfully.

12. Blog at least once per week (plus regular memes)
October figures were up!

13. Organise/Take more photos
This was a fail this month.

14. Update my clothes/accessories/make up etc regularly 

As I said last month this is not a good target.  I know that some of you will be putting away summer clothes and bringing out winter ones.  My clothes just stay out all year round - you never know what weather to expect here!

15. Do more crafting – move the sewing machine!
Does making up a birthday hamper for my DIL count as crafting?  I'm going to say yes!

16. Try out a new recipe or do a bake each week
What was I thinking with this one?

17. Visit/see Grandson Noah every month
We had a visit from Noah in October and we actually babysat him and Rory together.  That was an experience (read about it here).  If anyone expresses a wish for twins tell them no! lol.  We're going to see them briefly this weekend and we have a trip to Nottingham planned before the end of the month.

18. Make progress on the house plan
What with not feeling great and helping the girls move this is still very much on the back burner.

19. Lose 19 pounds
I think this one should have been "Do not gain any weight" and then I could say I'm on track!

Doing these updates is a bit depressing as I'm not hitting many targets but as I reflected last month that's partly because the targets weren't great to start with.  I'll definitely be trying to make next year's targets more sensible.  I'm definitely not giving up on the whole idea though.  Plus I even had an idea for next year's A-Z challenge so that's a positive thought to end on.


  1. How far are you from a beach? Just wondering. I am so glad I haven't set any goals-I would of failed miserably, LOL.

  2. You are so brave to set goals, Wendy. I don't set goals or make resolutions because I know they will go out the window before they are even written down. Good for you to continue keeping track and making progress, even if you think the progress is slow in some areas. I applaud you!

  3. On the whole, a good year so far, and there's plenty of time to pick up the ones you haven't done yet. Of course, #5 was the most important...

  4. Here's a big round of applause from Thailand for all you DID achieve - the books, the blogging from A-Z, the beach, the blogging. Let's celebrate the wins :)
    Wren xx


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