Thursday, 11 April 2024

A - Z Challenge 2024 - J is for Just drawing a breath

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter J

This year I'm blogging about my local area.  

My area?  Highams Park which is in the borough of Waltham Forest in North East London, (UK) a little known place that nestles between Chingford and Woodford that most people only come to if they have a specific reason to - if not we usually get bypassed.  Suits us.

Having lived in Forest Gate in East London for 36 years (and for my husband 65 years!) moving was a big deal for us.  But we've been in Highams Park since September 2020 so I feel I know enough about it now to fill out 26 posts! 

We've only moved just over 5 miles but we didn't know this area at all before moving here.  Although of course we did have a good look around when looking for a house and there were a number of things we wanted on our check list.

Well today is the letter J and I have nothing prepared.  (Just for info I have nothing prepared from this point forward although I do have ideas in my head for the rest of the letters.)

I really wasn't sure about taking part this year.  I did have the idea for my theme a little way in advance but my blogging had been so erratic that I wasn't convinced I could get back into blogging every day.  So far so good.  (Although I'm not sure the quality is great this year.)

However scraping the barrel I've come up with J for Jazz - there is a Highams Park Jazz Club which meets at The County Arms Pub.  Phew!



  1. I'm doing some of these by the seat of my pants too! I have the letters set but not all the posts written.

  2. A jazz club at the pub!! That sounds so English and Escape to the Country-like!! (I love that show!) You are doing just fine, Wendy!!


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