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The main idea though as you've probably guessed is just to write for 5 minutes on the prompt which today is CROWD (and if you want to check out other posts click here)
This is my attempt:
I am not good in crowds. I definitely don't like feeling out of control and in my experience that's what I am when in a crowd.
I distinctly remember one New Year's Eve (probably about 1981 or 82) when a group of friends decided to celebrate in central London in Trafalgar Square. I'm not sure how I was persuaded to go but I did. It was extrememly busy and crowded but it was bearable until just after midnight when everyone began to disperse.
There was a sudden surge in the crowd and you just had to go with the movement or risk being trampled. Our group was separated and it was definitely scary. Especially give that I don't remember mobile phones being common at the time.
Eventually some of us were able to get together and make our way home but since then I've never felt the need to celebrate New Year anywhere other than at home or at a friend's or family member's house.
I'm not a lover of fireworks so I'm just as happy to watch it all on TV, raise a glass of fizz, wish hubby a Happy New Year and retire to bed.
Well that was my five minutes but I did spend some time checking some things such as when mobile phones really became popular and also the year - it must have been 1981 because the following year 2 people were actually trampled to death when crowds got out of control. If I had been wary of going before, that would definitely have made me more sure of my decision to stay home.
oh... I like that too.. sitting home or just being with a few friends to celebrate those big events. noise and bustle I don't need it eh?
ReplyDeleteI'm coming over from Five Minute Friday -- it's my first time, and I think I'm supposed to comment on the link before mine! I can't imagine getting lost in a crowd with no easy way to get back in touch with your friends; I think I'd definitely be staying home on New Years Eve after that!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I agree with you. I don't like big crowds much, feels a bit claustrophobic to me although I do love fireworks.
ReplyDeleteThis is the first I've heard of the five minute Friday. A friend of mine is having a bit of a writer's block so this might help get her out of it. I'll tell her about it. I'll also add it to my list of blogs with writing prompts/challenges on my other blog.
I'm not much of a crowd girl either. I prefer to spend New Year's at home with my family or with a small group of friends
ReplyDeleteI'm with you - I definitely do no need the punishment of a crowd in order to celebrate the new year. Goodness, if I'm honest...(these days) I'm usually asleep!!:)
ReplyDeleteI agree, crowds can be scary at times. I have never fancied spending New Year's Eve out in the cold anyway! Visiting from FMF #5.
ReplyDeleteI am not scared in a crowd, but if I can I avoid it ! I don't like to be pushed and squeezed from all sides !