Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Ragtag Daily Prompt - 12/9/18 - Feast
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Today's prompt is Feast.  This is rather apt as this week I have been trying to get back into the swing of trying out at least one new recipe a week for my 18 in 18 challenge.  I actually planned for 4 new recipes and so far we've actually had 2 of them and I even remembered to take pictures!  (Although I won't win any prizes for presentation.)

Yesterday we had a mediterranean lamb hotpot and today we had a chicken stir fry.

The lamb dish was delicious and will definitely get repeated.  I also enjoyed the chicken dish but hubby wasn't overly impressed.  Maybe because he actually did the cooking of it.  

I feel like I've gone 2 steps forward and one back as although my leg is no longer in a support I've now gone down with a cold. Consequently I managed to prepare all the ingredients for the stir fry but hubby did the cooking.

I also had a light bulb moment while getting everything together.  I seemed to have mislaid my tablespoon measure.  I hunted high and low to no avail and decided it would turn up eventually.  I was racking my brains as to when I had last used it when I suddenly remembered using it to measure out stain remover powder when doing some washing.  I checked to see if I had left it in the tub and there it was!

I'm not sure (having watched my Mother succumb to Alzheimer's) whether I should be worried that I left it in the tub in the first place or relieved that I (eventually) remembered where it was.

Anyway not exactly a feast but both were washed down with a glass of wine so I'm satisfied.



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             Yeah its possible!!!😁😁😁


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    We look forward to hacking for you

  2. I would have enjoyed both of your recipes! Sorry you are down with a cold. Bummer. My last one last nearly three months through two rounds of antibiotics.

  3. hope your leg and your cold gets better soon. the dishes look good. add it to Tummy Tuesday blog hop if you want


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