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Today's prompt is "currently reading".
Actually it's what I'm about to read as I've just finished a book and this is my next read, courtesy of my library.
Although if you check out my Goodreads page (here) it shows me currently reading The Complete Works of Jane Austen, and Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights. Neither of which is strictly true. I've read Pride & Prejudice from the complete works but have yet to try any of the other Austen books. I started Wuthering Heights so long ago that I'd have to restart it now rather than just continue.
Both of these are part of the BBC reading challenge that I started a long time ago. Since then I joined a couple of online book clubs and I've also been making more use of my library. Part of me wants to get through the challenge but part of me knows that some books will probably defeat me. Actually quite a lot might fall into the DNF (Did not finish) category. But I've managed 40 out of the 100. I guess part of me feels that although I read a lot, I'm not necessarily "well read" particularly in terms of classics. As I get older though that seems less important. Although it does help with the odd quiz or crossword question and I do love a good quiz/crossword.
Thankfully all my kids like to read although none of them probably get a lot of time for it. Hubby also likes to read and his choices are often more challenging than mine. I sometimes try out books he's read but I'm happier to put them aside as DNF if they don't keep my attention. There is also a group of us from his extended family that update each other on a monthly basis on the books we've read and that's a good way to get recommendations.
However much I read though, my TBR pile(s) never seem to get any smaller!
Another book that looks interesting. Thanks, Wendy!