Friday 6 January 2023

Friday's Fave Five - 6/1/23 Plus Just Jot it January - Sweet

Yay! I'm here on time.  Thanks to Susanne for keeping us on track with finding our gratitude each week.  Find out more here.

1)  Well the picture above is apt for me this week as there have been lots of birds in the garden and thankfully I was able to get all the bird feeders cleaned up and replenished.  I do love standing at my kitchen sink and watching the birds coming for food.  

2)  Grateful with time just with Rory this week and then Nathan.  I had to collect Rory from school on Wednesday as there was no after school club and his Mummy had a staff meeting after school.  Elizabeth teaches at the same school that Rory attends.  I picked him up and took him back to his home and we had an hour or so together before Elizabeth got back with Vinny.

Yesterday we had Nathan here all afternoon as he's not back at school until Monday.  He loves having 1:1 time with us playing games like Snakes and Ladders and we also had a good game of Hide and Seek.  Nanny is very good at hiding!

Time with the grandkids is always lovely but especially when it's 1:1.

3)  Glad to get back to more normal routines this week and get all the Christmas stuff taken down ready to put away.  Although I haven't done as much as I'd have liked as I'm still struggling with a cough.

4)  Hobby/Reading time.  Because I'm still not 100% I have taken time for myself this week and done some reading.  I also started a jigsaw that was gifted to me ages ago.  I think it might be a WIP for a while though - it's hard!

5)  Lots of blogging and lots of sweet things!  I'm taking part in the Just Jot it January challenge again this year in the hope of getting back into the habit of blogging more regularly and that's going ok so far.  The prompt for that today was "Sweet" well I'm thankful for many sweet gifts at Christmas.  I had some fancy chocolates from my youngest son and his wife.  I also got a couple of boxes of my favourites (Lindor by Lindt) and another nice box from the neighbour who lives opposite us.  That was very unexpected so even more lovely.  And yesterday when Nathan came he brought a few chocolate cup cakes that he'd made with my daughter.  Yes it's well known that a) I have a very sweet tooth and b)  I love chocolate!

Now I just need to work on taking more photos!  


  1. oh i hope you feel better soon and your cough disappears!
    How fun to spend 1:1 time with your grandson and to help out the other grandson while his mom is busy.
    I love down time to read....we used to do puzzles years ago when the girls were younger. We would have one going all the time on a card table in the family room...i miss those days but now my oldest girl does them in her apt!
    I love sweets too and am trying to cut back for the next 2 months. NO baking here for me.

    1. Thanks Faith. Good luck with cutting back on the sweet things.

  2. 1:1 time with the grands is so nice indeed. I have sweet tooth also, and all those chocolate treats sound delicious. Good for you for taking some down time when you need it.

  3. Time with grands is special. One on one time is important. I hope your cough gets better. Your Christmas stuff can wait, your health is more important!

  4. It's great that you get to spend so much time with your grands. I have been doing more puzzles and just started another one yesterday. I find working a puzzle very relaxing. I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon!

    1. Thanks Deb. I'm not sure the puzzle I've started is going to be as relaxing as some. I think I might find it frustration lol

  5. I think everyone of us FFFers just wanted to stay home and relax this New Year's Eve. No need to go out and party.
    Yes, time with grands is really special, and 1 on 1 time makes so many memories for them.
    I hope that 2023 brings health and joy for you.

    1. Thanks Linda. Yes I think I'm over New Year's Eve parties!

  6. I just love that you get to spend time with your grandboys! Wonderful memories for you and for them!! I'm sorry you are still struggling with a cough. Hoping that clears up soon!! Happy weekend, Wendy!! xo

  7. I agree that the 1:1 time with a grandchild is very special. I have to admire your resolve taking part in posting everyday this month. I am hoping to get back into some routine next week but we'll see. Hope you are back to full health soon.

  8. I too am thankful to get back into the routine of things. My decorations came down before New Year's this year. I too have a cough right now. It's an annual thing that begins whenever the temps start going down. I hope you feel better. Have a blessed weekend.

    1. Thanks Melanie. Hope your cough improves too.

  9. That's nice that you can spend so many time with our grandchildren ! Toby now comes into an age where he prefers to stay and play with his friends, poor Dad suffers that he isn't the only man anymore ! Now Toby takes the tram alone rides with his bicycle to school. And that's only the beginning ! For a helicopter father it's unbearable !

    1. Yes it's hard when you first start giving kids some freedom.

  10. How nice to have that one on one time with grandkids building memories with them. So special for the both of you. Sorry that you are still coughing, hope that clears soon. Though I love Christmas I'm glad to be back to some routine and a less cluttered living room.

  11. I didn't fill the bird feeders over the summer, figuring they had plenty of options. I've meant to since it's gotten cold--but when I think of it. it's not a time I want to go out. :-) But I want to do that the next semi-warm day. I've missed watching them out my window.

    We just have the one grandson so far and love one on one time with him. I loved that with my grandmother, too. It was fun to have all the cousins together, but it was fun to be alone with her, too.

    We've slowly transitioned back to normal this week, just getting Christmas decorations down yesterday. I miss the lights, but otherwise it's nice to have the regular decorations out again.

    I'm sorry you've been sick! I hope you feel better soon. It is nice to have an excuse to just rest and read.

    I *love* sweets and chocolate, too. Lindt Lindor milk chocolate truffles are my favorite.


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