Sunday 8 January 2023

Just Jot it January - Day 8 - Friendship

Go here for all the details on this challenge.  Today's prompt is Friendship.

I have never been one for having a long list of friends.  I don't enjoy being the centre of attention and I'm not a great socialiser.  But I do have a short list of very good friends.

One of them I met properly just after I had my first child and she was about to have her first child too.  Our kids are in their 30s now and we are still the best of friends.  We don't see each other as often now but it's the sort of friendship where we just pick up where we left off.

I also keep in touch with people that I worked with.  With 3 of them we regularly take it in turn to host a "Ladies Lunch" and others I meet up with in a pub where we'll eat and drink and catch up on our lives.

But I'm also blessed with a big extended family having married into a family where I gained 6 sister-in-laws who I can definitely count as friends.   

I'm a person who's very happy in her own company but I'm also lucky to have friends I can count on.


  1. Mary comes from a very small family, so marrying into mine with its cast of thousands was an interesting experience for her. Intimidating, too. She finally learned that the trick was one at a time...

    1. Yes when I first met Hubby's family it was very daunting

  2. I'm pretty happy with my own company too. I do have a few close friends, one I've known since high school.

    1. Wow that's a very long lasting friendship

  3. I have a friendship like the one you describe, "pick up where you left off." They are very, very special friendships!!
    xx oo Carla

  4. For me friendship is very important ! I still have my school friend in Germany we know each other since 1951 !! Imagine ! But lately I was very disappointed by three friends when Rick passed away, they dropped me like a hot potato after 20 or more years. One fell in love and became blind (she is 70) the second became suddenly jealous since I moved in the apartment, she had changed character at 80 and had become an old, bitter, nasty woman; I am still in contact with her son, who cut off all relationship with his mother. Some people change a lot when they are getting old. Something new to me, I thought it only happens to others.

    1. Funny how some people don't know how to react to other people's grief and change in circumstances


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