Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Z is for Zombie

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary blogging from A to Z challenge letter

This year I decided not to tie myself to a theme.  I wanted to do something that felt more like writing rather than composing posts.  I didn’t want it to be a story that had to be followed from start to finish so what I’ve ended up with are: “Conversations in my Head”.

Hmm I think Wendy is looking a bit like a zombie today.  She’s very tired after two days of Grandchildren.  (Rory yesterday & Nathan today.)  This A-Z challenge thing is also quite tiring.  She managed to get all her posts done in advance (although not all of them before the challenge had started) but it’s still time consuming checking out her comments, other blogs, leaving comments etc.

But this evening I think she’s quite relieved that it’s come to an end.  Well apart from checking out more blogs and catching up with the sites she regularly follows.  This blogging lark is certainly time consuming and then of course there’s Facebook and something else called Lifecake.  I think that must be the one where all her kids upload pictures of the babies because she spends a LOT of time checking that one out.  And Instagram.

Thankfully she doesn’t really do Twitter or Pinterest.  Hmm maybe I could take over her Twitter feed.  I could probably have lots of fun with that.

Alice, you may think I look like a zombie, but zombies don’t actually exist and I can hear every word you’re saying.

Oh.  So no Twitter fun then?                                                       

Absolutely not.  Anyway the challenge is finished now.  We’re done.

Done?  You think you can get rid of me?  Just like that.  Z doesn’t stand for evicted.

No although I’m sure between us we could think up a z word that means to expel something from your head.

Something!  I’m a very important SOMEONE and I have no intention of being expel or zapulted out of anywhere.

I was rather hoping you’d say that.  I’ve got used to you now Alice.  So maybe I won’t zapult you just yet.  It’s quite good to have a sounding board and a different perspective on things.

Well it’s good to know I won’t be homeless and I do like to have the last word.
Umm, that’s my only condition Alice.  I’ll always have the last word.


  1. Congratulations on finishing another year of A-Z, Wendy!! You and Alice were quite entertaining!! Perhaps she will still have a part in your blogs now and then!?

  2. Well done for completing your challenge. No mean feat to post everyday. I enjoyed your different way of approaching it this year and I'm sure that's not the last we've heard from Alice.

  3. I like your conversation with the other you, I would never use Twitter when I read in Newspapers what stupid things my friend trump twits. It's funny, the other day my friend called and asked me if I would comme over. I hesitated a second and then answered : yes I come with myself ! I am sure that is your fault !


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